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Conservation Minutes, September 20, 2006


Called to Order at 3:10 PM under M.G.L. Chapter 131, s.40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, s.5. by Philip Lindquist, Chairman, in Meeting Room A on the top floor at the Town Hall.

Members Present:           Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman        
                                        Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman  
                           Ron Grattan, Member
           John Kemmett, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
Absent:                    None
Others Present:            Janine Delaney, Conservation Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant   

Orders of Conditions

Orders Of Conditions for the demolition of an existing garage and construction of a new foundation at 45 Park St., Map 42, Lot 53 for Carlos & Beth Giffoni   (DEP #SE175-0508) -signed


Dunham Farms
In reply to Ms. Delaney’s memo of 9/12/06, Sharon LePorte had submitted a response letter that Ms. Delaney felt did not answer all of the concerns that were listed.  Mr. Schellenger noted that the date of the memo was not mentioned in the draft September 12th minutes.  Ms. Nehiley will revise the minutes.   Ms. Delaney will draft a letter to the applicant with a copy of the previous memo and Sharon LePorte’s response, specifying that if all comments are not addressed by the next meeting then the hearing shall be continued.  Ms. Delaney stressed that the work should be completed and the site stabilized A.S.A.P. and suggested a Cease and Desist if the Commission’s concerns are not addressed.
Jon Ridder Letter dated September 20, 2006

        Motion to issue letter as written dated 9/20/06:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  4-0-1 (Ron Grattan abstained)

Revised Plan for 103 Forest Trail
The pool had been relocated out of the 50-foot no-build zone and mitigation was more detailed.  However, Ms. Delaney notified Collins Engineering that there was possibly an issue with high groundwater.  Mr. Harris commented that mitigation should be more detailed as to the size of type of plantings and to make it a standard condition.   

Community Wind Collaborative Overview  - reviewed but not discussed

Hanson Conservation Commission 2006 Tasks

Mr. Lindquist suggested that Janine research the budget/expenses and to forecast spending so that the Commission can draft an In-house Operational Plan.  Dave would like to spell out special projects such as signs, mapping, the Open Space Plan, etc..  Dave Harris also suggested that the Commission draft a letter to the Finance Committee and Board of Selectman to make sure the issue with the money for the Agent’s salary is resolved before Spring Town Meeting.  It must be made clear that for Fiscal Year 2008, there will not be sufficient funds in the NOI account to pay the Agent’s salary due to the amount of money now deposited in the account.  Mr. Lindquist recommended that another business meeting be scheduled in one month’s time.

Open Space  
Mr. Lindquist wants an inventory of all Town-owned properties (Chapter 61A, 61, 61B, and easements) to create a database useful for an Open Space Plan. Parcels would correspond with a color-coded map.  He mentioned that the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences’ has a tool to evaluate and prioritize parcels called a “Conservation Scorecard”.   This method was used in April, 2006 to determine the relative conservation value of the Smith-Nawazelski property.

Ron Grattan left at 4:25 PM

Ms. Delaney suggested that the Commission hire someone to write the Open Space Plan.  Norwell’s Open Space Plan, on loan, was passed around as an example of a professional, cohesive plan.  

        Motion to put together a proposal to fund an Open Space Plan:  John Kemmett
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  4-0-0

Hanson Wetland Protection Article 3-13
Ms. Delaney will draft and update special/standard conditions and create a new checklist for the Commissions review.


        Motion to adjourn:  Dave Harris
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  4-0-0